Hypercorps 2099 Adventure Combo


A Triple-Shot of Post-Apocalyptic Action!

The Hypercorps 2099 Adventure Combo brings together three astonishing apocalyptic cyberpunk adventures all in one place as a discounted PDF, and in print for the first time!

-Thrillville or Killville? is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible adventure in the world of Hypercorps 2099. The module begins with the operators in the medieval MMORPG of Veranthea Codex: Life & Death where they meet their Mr. Grey, a “level 34 gnome bard” with details on why Digilife© is hiring operators to deal with the problems on the server that hosts their amusement park. The PCs will travel across the Hypernet, break into Thrillville, and ultimately put an end to what troubles the world’s most popular digital tourist destination, but at what cost?

-Specimens in Centralia is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible adventure in the world of Hypercorps 2099. The module begins with the operators (the PCs) en route to Centralia’s coal mines, the sight of a fire raging since 1962. Within is their quarry, but how they take it down and bring it back to Pittsburgh plays a large role with how much they’ll get paid!

-A R.I.P.E. Investment: Of all the hypercorporations in the world one of the most unique is R.I.P.E., an organic soap and perfume company. Unbeknownst to most these mages and priests use the business as a cover for acquiring rare and esoteric (but organic!) reagents for their spells without raising suspicion. One of their means to do so is by shipping across the Great Lakes and into the harbor of the wasteland that’s become of Cleveland. The operators are hired either to defend one of R.I.P.E.’s freight trucks and deliver it to a secure location, or take it for a shadowy organization with insidious intent (but much better pay).

All three adventures are ideal for a party of four operators of 3rd-4th level (hyper score 3), it is also suitable for regular PCs of 7th-8th level (though GM’s should take careful notice of the planar traits that make the Hypernet what it is). They can be used in conjunction with the Hypercorps 2099 setting or as an adjunct to any near-future dystopian sci-fi or supers setting!