Mythic Magic: Advanced Spells I


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Note: This product is a part of the Mythic Spell Compendium along with several others.

Mythic Magic: Advanced Spells I completes the mythic rules for every spell in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Advanced Player’s Guide. All of them. If it’s not already in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures, it’s right here, from absorbing touch to wrathful mantle and all spells in between. Whether you’re an arcane or a divine caster, Mythic Magic: Advanced Spells I contains 235 mythic spells of every level and every kind, from orisons and cantrips to the mightiest 9th-level magics. You will find combat spells like ball lightning, cacophonous call, and mass suffocation right alongside defensive magic like corruption resistance and life bubble, spells to aid your allies like gallant inspiration and bestow grace, and utility spells like amplify elixir and touch of the sea. They are all here, every one, developed with flair and function in mind as only Legendary Games can bring it, by the same designers that wrote most of the mythic spells in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures in the first place.


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