Mythic Mania BUNDLE


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The most massive collection of mythic rules ever assembled is available right here, courtesy of Legendary Games, Kobold Press, Rogue Genius Games, and Dreamscarred Press. The original Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures gave us a great framework for taking your Pathfinder game to the next level, but this epic series goes far beyond with over 900 pages of incredible mythic content, with over 1000 feats, over 2000 spells, over 220 mythic monsters, alongside mythic class features, monster abilities, brand-new mythic paths, mythic psionics, mythic curses, magic items, traps, skills, and more, plus an entire chapter on the unique pitfalls and challenges of gaming with the mythic rules. Grab this collection of epic rules and make your heroes legendary! This bundle includes:

-Mythic Hero’s Handbook
-Mythic Monster Manual
-Mythic Spell Compendium


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