Nautical Heroes (5E)


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Sailors and Scallywags

Nautical Heroes is a set of 8 ready-to-play 5th Edition characters created specifically to shine in a campaign venturing into the beautiful briny blue! Ideal for use as allies, cohorts, long-running NPCs, or as player characters, these amazingly detailed and lushly developed characters range from swashbuckling sailors to sea witches and gunslinging buccaneers. Each one is as much about story as combat, with robust links built in to each other as well as the kinds of stories they’re likely to encounter in a piratical adventure. Each character includes a detailed backstory, roleplaying tips, special equipment, and a special campaign trait, plus detailed level advancement information for their first few levels, with further suggestions for developing the character’s long-term mechanical build. We haven’t even mentioned the fantastic character portraits, or the included foldable paper miniatures for every character! Plus, you’ll get new rules for variant classes, races, and more to make these aquatic adventurers unique and exciting! These characters are perfect as allies, enemies, rivals, or even playable PCs for any campaign that sets sail.

Nautical Heroes is a 5E adventure supplement for the 5th Edition of the world’s most famous roleplaying game. This adventure is easily dropped into any ocean voyage or as part of a full-fledged seafaring pirate campaign, and it can be used on its own or with the companion adventures in this series like Spices and Flesh, Tarin’s Crown, and Scourge of the Steaming Isle! Grab this 36-page collection of 5E aquatic adventurers today and Make Your Game Legendary!

This accessory is included in the Pirate Campaign Compendium (5E).


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