Second Class Guide: Monks


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Masters of the Martial Arts!

Pathfinder Second Edition is here, bringing with it a wealth of amazing new character options, but there are so many new choices it can be hard to figure out which will work best for you. Second Class Guides from Legendary Games are here to help, with comprehensive advice and ratings for hundreds of class features, ancestries, backgrounds, magic items, equipment, and so much more, color coded and rated for their utility for a wide range of character builds, brought to you by some of the most experienced class designers in the business. Everyone’s play style is different, so you may love some things our guide authors don’t or hate things they like, but our mission is to help you wade through a ton of new rules and come out with a character that is exciting, effective, and flat-out fun to play! Check out an awesome array of magnificent monk powers, abilities, class and ancestry feats, magical and mundane gear, all organized to help you make the best choices for the monk you want to create, plus sample monk builds that show off everything the Pathfinder Second Edition monk has to offer! Grab this amazing 30-page guide to the monk class today and Make Your Second Edition Game Legendary!


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