Tomb Raiders


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Rivals and Renegades Want Your Treasure!

Tomb Raiders brings you an assortment of rival adventurers out for the same thing your heroes want: GOLD, and lots of it! While some adventurers seek fame and glory, and others quest out of duty or idealism, for many it is all about earning a fortune and becoming rich as kings. In some campaigns, however, it can feel like the player characters are the only people really doing much of anything in the world, as everything and everyone else stands still. With Tomb Raiders in hand, those days are over, as we bring you a quartet of rival gangs with their own tactics and goals, with richly detailed stat blocks and personalities for use in and out of combat. These gangs are deadly and dangerous in battle, but long before swords are drawn you can set them on a collision course with the PCs where brinksmanship and bravado combine to make them NPCs your players will love to hate. These rivals are not necessarily enemies, and might even be ready to make temporary alliances of mutual convenience, but PCs had best be on their guard for the moment when greed trumps loyalty. From scheming black market professionals and corrupt drug dealers to family teams or those whose avarice carried them beyond the threshold of death, Tomb Raiders brings you four complete rival adventuring groups of four characters each, which can be used individually throughout your heroes’ adventuring careers or en masse to show how cutthroat the world of treasure-hunting can be. This product is an ideal supplement to the tomb-raiding Egyptian Adventure Path but is a fantastic addition to any dynamic campaign where the PCs can’t rest on their laurels lest their rivals outfox them and make off with the treasure before the heroes even arrive!


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