Tomes Of Ancient Knowledge


Note: This product is a part of the Gothic Campaign Compendium along with several others.

In horror campaigns, any book with a name is guaranteed to be dangerous beyond imagining, but aren’t you just the least bit tempted to see what lies between the covers? Power beyond imagining? Terror beyond comprehension? Look inside this product and discover four fell tomes steeped in malevolent magical malignancy, including new simplified sanity rules, connecting magic and monsters alike to Lovecraftian alien mythos, four new metamagic feats, and 20 spells, 12 original creations and 8 familiar spells corrupted into something wholly and awfully other.

Designed by Jason Nelson and Clinton J. Boomer with the Legendary Games Design Team of Neil Spicer, Greg A. Vaughan, and Clark Peterson.

Inside these Tomes you will find:

-The blood-stained Sarkulis Shards, a compendium of corrupted witchery graven on the crystallized blood of familiars long dead.
-The Palestone Analects, a mad poet’s elegy to the melding and molding of flesh and stone as one.
-The dusty Xanthutep Tablets, divine pharaonic inscriptions concerning the unbinding of the fundamental forces of reality.
-All Flesh and Form Made Ash, a smoldering divine panegyric to the glory of burning, from ignition to cremation.

Download includes TWO files: a full color version AND a stripped black and white version for easy printing, both versions hyperlinked internally and to online Pathfinder resources for easy interactive reference.

Check out this gothic-themed magical accessory and Make Your Game Legendary!

If this product strikes your fancy, consider perusing the entire line of Gothic Grimoires!
-The Necrotic Verses features a collection of terrifying masterpieces for bards
-On the Inverse Calculus of Unseen Refraction takes the simple concept of invisibility to places you never imagined, ideal for alchemists
-The Sepulchral Swaths of Tanoth-Gha reveals the secrets of the primordial Elder Things and their fossilized followers
-Spellbones of the Devourer delves into the unhinged cannibal cults that lurk at the farthest fringes of civilization, or right at its rotten heart
-To Serve a Prince Undying is a guidebook for tyrants of every stripe, teaching the ways of pain and domination, a must for cold-hearted inquisitors and antipaladins
-And last but not least, the product that started it all, Tomes of Arcane Knowledge, containing four corrupt codices of ancient magical secrets

If you love one, we think you’ll love them all! May your players tremble in fear at the darkling secrets you prepare to unfold before them!