Trail of the Apprentice Adventure Path: Compilation


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The theft of a mysterious artifact launches a group of heroes on a desperate quest to unmask a hidden foe and stop his plans to unleash a terrible evil upon the world. Only by following clues, getting help from some unlikely sources, and overcoming great challenges will the heroes be able to discover who their enemy is and what plans are unfolding to threaten the good people of Threll. Will their strength, willpower, and talent be enough to win the day?

Trail of the Apprentice is a five-part campaign for 1st- through 5th-level characters, using the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. Designed to provide a series of exciting adventures suitable for all ages, especially new and younger players, this book includes all five adventures, advice sidebars, new rules options for simplified versions of the game, and campaign setting information to help bring the lands of Terrallien to life. Bring home this amazing adventure saga and make your next family game night Legendary!

Trail of the Apprentice #1: The Bandit’s Cave
The people of Corbin Village are hardy folk, familiar with the dangers of the region. But when a band of orcs raids the village, Sheriff McBride realizes she has more troubles than she can handle and calls on a group of heroes to bring the orcs to justice. To complicate matters, the orcs have stolen an item of great historical value from the local sage, and he wants it back. Can the PCs survive the dangers of a nearby marsh and locate the bandits’ hidden lair? If they do, can they take down the orc raiders and recover the sage’s precious statue?

The Bandit’s Cave is an adventure for 1st-level characters. It is part one of Trail of the Apprentice, a mini campaign made up of 5 interconnected modules. All the modules in this series are designed for beginners and younger players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Trail of the Apprentice #2: The King’s Curse
A local sage, Ithamar Ruggles, has asked the PCs to visit the Lord Mayor of Port Fairglade and warn him that someone might try to rob him of a statue, which he calls the White Serpent. Ithamar recently lost the statue’s twin, the Green Serpent, to bandits and believes there is a deeper plot involved. The PCs arrive to find that thieves have already taken the White Serpent from the Lord Mayor’s private family museum. He tasks the PCs with discretely investigating the robbery. But when the nobleman’s museum is robbed a second time, the loss of the statues becomes the least of their worries.

The King’s Curse is an adventure for 2nd-level characters. It is part two of Trail of the Apprentice, a mini campaign made up of 5 interconnected modules. All the modules in this series are designed for beginners and younger players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Trail of the Apprentice #3: The Thieves’ Den
Lord Mayor Wolfe of Port Fairglade has discovered that someone hired the notorious thieves’ guild, the Elverin Skulk to steal a valuable statue from his private museum. The nobleman wants to know who the guild’s client is. But the only person who knows that information is the guild’s leader, the infamous Fox Prince. The PCs must venture into the monster-infested Umberwood to locate a secret entrance to the guild’s headquarters. The heroes will find that, when trying to infiltrate the den of the Fox Prince, very few things are what they appear to be.

The Thieves’ Den is an adventure for 3rd-level characters. It is part three of Trail of the Apprentice, a mini campaign made up of 5 interconnected modules. All the modules in this series are designed for beginners and younger players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Trail of the Apprentice #4: The Oracle’s Test
A mysterious plot is unfolding. Following clues about the theft of a pair of ancient statues, the PCs have discovered who hired the Elverin Skulk thieves’ guild to rob the Lord Mayor of Port Fairglade. It’s clear that the guild’s client is a dangerous and powerful man, but without further information, they can do nothing to stop whatever plans he might have. But there is hope. Deep in the ancient elven ruins of Sol’Ithmanna rests a stone portal. When opened with the proper keys, the portal will grant access to the domain of a fey oracle who can help them discover the villain’s true purpose and how they can stop him. But the oracle only gives his aid to those who can pass his tests. Are the PCs up to the challenge?

The Oracle’s Test is an adventure for 4th-level characters. It is part four of Trail of the Apprentice, a mini campaign made up of 5 interconnected modules. All the modules in this series are designed for beginners and younger players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Trail of the Apprenctice #5: The Wizard’s Dungeon
Armed with knowledge of a villainous wizard’s plans, a party of heroes must venture into the dreaded Shadescar Rift, a deep cave that leads into the dark tunnels beneath the earth. Legends say that it was created by the claw of some terrible beast. Locals stay well clear of the rift and claim it is the home of nightmare creatures that prey on the unwary. But only by braving such dangers can the PCs hope to stop their mysterious enemy. If they fail, he will unleash a great and terrible power upon the world.

The Wizard’s Dungeon is an adventure for 5th-level characters. It is the thrilling conclusion of Trail of the Apprentice, a mini campaign made up of 5 interconnected modules. All the modules in this series are designed for beginners and younger players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.


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