Vast Kaviya Adventurer’s Handbook (5E)


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This book is a collection of the player-oriented gaming material from the Vast Kaviya campaign setting for 5E. Check out the free primer PDF to see if this book devoted to primordial and savage adventures is right for you!

New Races! Joining classics like boggards, gnolls, and mongrelfolk are the plant-like alai, insectile kanca, parasitic ottunni, and saurian taino-kar. There’s also new subraces for aasimar (elated, soul, and vindico) as well as genasi (acid, ash, mist, and mud), dwarves (mistdweorg), and halflings (mistling).
New Class Archetypes! Path of the Psion-Primal barbarians, Lunar clerics, Burning druids, Primal Leader fighters, Pyrokine monks, Oath of Web paladins, Primal Hunter rangers, Savage Poisoner rogues, Animator sorcerers, Dreamer sorcerers, and two new warlock patrons (the Grandmother and Hivemind).
New Classes! The dual-natured agile warrior gemini class appears here with the atavist, equalist, and reluctant hero balances, and it’s got a new archetype that revolves around day and night—the nychthemeron. If you’ve always wanted to tame a simple-minded creature to go on adventures with (be that an aberration, beast, dragon, monstrosity, or ooze of Intelligence 5 or less), look no further than the monster tamer class! There are also four unique 8 level prestige classes: elementalists that ultimately transform into their chosen element, fractured soul shapeshifters with nuanced control over their bodies, magic-eaters that become tougher and more lethal by rejecting all things supernatural, and primal shamans that unlock primitive psionic powers.
New Options! Discover who your Amnesiac background adventurer truly is, gain control over slivers of magic using naturally occurring raw mana, or take a feat to embrace your mistdweorg ancestors or the illumination granted by the underground City of Lost’s potent Sun Stone—or set your sights on stealing the legendary gemstone!


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